Use Custom Font with Edwiser RemUI theme

Please follow the steps given below to implement Custom Fonts on your Moodle site.

Step 1) Download the font file from the internet which should be in the .ttf format

Step 2) Create a new folder inside where Edwiser RemUI theme is installed on your server. The path should be: moodle/theme/remui/fonts. Note: The folder created should be named "Fonts". Also, copy-paste the .ttf file downloaded from the internet inside this folder. 

Step 3) Now Copy-Paste the CSS mentioned below to the bottom of this file: /theme/remui/style/custom.css

/* To load the font family */

@font-face {

font-family: '<font-name>';

font-style: normal;

font-weight: normal;

src: url('[[font:theme|<file-name>]]?v=');

src: url([[font:theme|<file-name>]]?v=) format('truetype');


/* To apply font to the entire site */

body, span {

font-family: "<font-name>" !important;


/* To apply font to the heading elements on the entire site */

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {

font-family: "<font-name>";


.site-menubar {

font-family: "<font-name>";


<file-name> = Replace file name with the name of the font file name. For eg: MetalMacabre.ttf

<font-name> = Replace font name with the name of the Font. For eg: MetalMacabre

Step 4) Save the file and then you need do Purge Cache on your Moodle site.

Step 5) Add the following CSS in RemUI settings > Custom CSS section 

.fa { font-family: "FontAwesome" !important

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