Important Update Regarding Edwiser Bridge Pro version 3.1.1

We recently released an update for Edwiser Bridge Pro 3.1.0. There is an important detail to consider when updating this version.

Crucial Step: Update Both WordPress and Moodle Plugins

If you only update the Edwiser Bridge Pro plugin on your WordPress site and not on your Moodle site, there will be a conflict. The older plugin on Moodle will not be compatible with the newer version 3.1.0 on WordPress.

This incompatibility can cause issues on your WordPress site, such as users being unable to access courses.

When users click on "Courses," they might be redirected to the WordPress homepage instead of the intended Moodle course page.

🔰 Solution: To solve this problem, simply update the Moodle plugin to the latest version as well. This will ensure compatibility between the two plugins and prevent any issues on your WordPress site.

Here's the link to upgrade the Edwiser Bridge Plugins to the Newest Version!

Upgrade Edwiser Bridge Plugins to the Newest Version!

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth user experience and avoid any potential issues with course access after updating Edwiser Bridge Pro.

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